Fellow agents, the fall season is upon us. German beer, warm pretzels, and plenty of schnitzel await. But first, we need your help locating some digital assets. In return, we’ll provide you with a taste of the Oktoberfest season.
Find the AGNT barrel in Covington’s Mainstrasse Village, claim your free NFT, and request your reward. Detailed instructions below.
Complete the mission, verify your intel, and we’ll send a reward your way in the form of a gift card. Use it to purchase a beer, a pretzel, or anything else you’d like from your local Hofbrauhaus. Sorry kids, this prize is still for those 21 years of age or older.

Step 1
Setup a Wallet
To claim an NFT, you’ll need an Ethereum wallet (no cryptocurrency required). We recommend Coinbase Wallet, but any ETH wallet will work.
Step 2
Claim the NFT
Find the AGNT bourbon barrel in the heart of Covington, tap your phone to the marked location on the top, and claim the free NFT.
Step 3
Request Reward
After you’ve successfully claimed the NFT and it’s in your crypto wallet, submit a request for a reward using your ETH address.
Not sure what an NFT is, why you need a crypto wallet, or what this mission is all about? You’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers.
An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a digital asset that is unique and can be verified on the blockchain, a digital “ledger” that is decentralized and requires several computes to ensure transactions are accurate. An NFT can be a photo, a layered piece of artwork, a song, or a number of other things.
Some NFTs require cryptocurrency to purchase or claim, but our missions are all using POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol) NFTs, which are free to mint. You can even start the claim using an email address and complete the transaction with your wallet later!
Any Ethereum (ETH) wallet will allow you to claim the NFTs available from AGNT’s bourbon barrel missions. We recommend Coinbase Wallet for its ease of use, but other options such as MetaMask and Edge are also great choices. Want a list of NFT-enabled Ethereum wallets? Check out this list.
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